
now if they would only flip up

i read somewhere that round glasses are in so i figured i better get on it.

i kid of course but it's funny how that tingly feeling (instincts, inherent style, telepathy) of desire for something is usually right in line with the current tempo of the industry. where is this "street" anyway that designers always say they get their inspiration?
oh my god- maybe jack and lazaro are style stalking me in brooklyn!

fears of looking like harry potter aside, off i set in search of round sunnies. having no dough for linda farrow and such, i went to trusty ebay, giver of many things. lo and behold, i came across these beauties.
i already bought them so dont even try it
i think the seller essentially tricked me into a bidding war with myself, offering me a second chance within like, one second of me "losing." alas, better to have them than trying to spite a stranger yeah? in the end, $60 aint bad and the shipping was free...
they arent as round as i was looking for but they have that
dwayne wayne cross bar action at the top. hey! is that the tingle of the next wave?

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